You've reached the site for the chimerical storyteller and artist, M.C.A. Hogarth.
While my work is primarily for adult readers, I make art for all ages and stages of life. I paint on paper with old school brushes, write novels, and occasionally poetry. Mostly I build worlds and then try to manifest them, and despite not loving change, I'm always trying something new.
My art's been at conventions since the 1990s, and my first pro sale to a fiction market was in 2000. I've got over 60 books out now and my art has a small network of serious collectors. If you want the rest of my bio, you can find it here.
I've been maintaining an internet presence since the 1990s and been through multiple iterations of websites and blogs (notably Livejournal as haikujaguar). This landing page is the latest. It directs you everywhere else, depending on what you want. Read on:
- If you want to read my work, here's my shop. While my books are also available at retailers, here's why you might want to buy direct. My store has pretty graphics, you should go enjoy them!
- If you want more of my art, for now it's best found in my coloring books, on Kickstarter, Etsy, or Zazzle; or through my Patreon, Locals, or Discord.
- Patreon and Locals are the best way to get my news, art, and updates. Subscribing gives you access to Discord, which is primarily where I hang out with fans. You also get Discord access by backing my Kickstarters; you can follow me on KS here. I run a lot of Kickstarters. Don't worry, the next one's coming.
- If you want to invite me to speak, run a seminar, or be a guest at a con, I'm all for it. Let me know. My email's jaguar at mcahogarth dot org.
- If you want my social media, I'm mostly on X, as mcahogarth, but I'm also sort of on instagram.
- If you want my (erratically updated) video content, I am on youtube, twitch, and rumble.
- If you prefer mailing lists, you can join mine here.
- If you're looking for external evidence of my existence, I'm on wikipedia, wikifur, and tvtropes. As with all wikis, I'm not responsible for their content and can't attest to its accuracy. That's why I'm mentioning and not linking to them.
- If you want social proofs, you can check my reviews on Amazon or Etsy.
- If you want my fanworks policy, it's coming soon.
- If you're looking for the Space Marine/Games Workshop Controversy blog posts, I've archived them here.
- If you want to email me, send it to jaguar at mcahogarth dot org.
If you're wondering why this is now my web page, I'll just say I'm tired of everything looking like it's come out of a marketing department. My sales site is honest about selling things. This site isn't for selling things. It's for helping you find information.